Wake up your inner ostrich.

Got your head in the sand about your mortality?

It’s time to pull it out and embrace the big D.

(Yes, Death, folks).

I’m turning the taboo of talking about death on its head and talking loudly and proudly about it.

Mortality Awareness is not about focusing on the grand exit - but reveling in the grand journey.

  • It’s about recognizing that since our time is limited, we better make damn sure it’s time well spent.

  • It’s about intentionally crafting a life that is not simply lived… but truly loved.

Turn Your “What Ifs” into “Remember Whens” … With Coaching, Workshops & Keynotes

Maybe you’re an individual who’s just realized you’re not immortal (surprise!) and so you’re rethinking your daily choices.

Or maybe you’re a company seeking a cultural shift, reshaping your ethos, and focusing on building a corporate legacy that goes beyond profits. 


Death Awareness is a great motivator!

Nothing kicks you in the pants like remembering your days are numbered.

for Individuals + Companies

Services for Companies

  • Welcome to Corporate Legacy Lab Consulting!

    I’m excited to empower your company to mindfully focus on ways to build a corporate legacy that goes beyond profits.

    This could include employee workshops on personal and professional legacy, mindful discussions on embracing more ethics-focused business practices, and brainstorming inspiring ways your company can create a positive impact on society.

  • I’m passionate about helping companies to inject better communication, empathy, resilience and fun into the workplace.

    If you’re a company seeking a cultural shift, I'm here to guide and inspire.

    I will share a plan to rethink daily work routines …and help your company to reshape your ethos.

    Each of my workshops tap into embracing life's finitude as the ultimate motivator.

  • The full list coming soon.

  • Struggling with work challenges?

    Or think your work is good - but want to crank it up a notch to extraordinary.

    These coaching sessions are about learning how to replace should have, would have, and could have - with did done, and heck yes!

Services for Individuals

  • Reflect, Rejig, Revive.

    Think of this as a system reboot for your life. It’s about reflecting on the “what was” to turbocharge the 'what will be.'

    We're gonna sift through your messy past, toss out the junk (yes, even that emotional baggage from 2003) and find what matters most to you - and prioritize it.

    This is about learning the benefits of Proactive Living - making choices that align with your deepest values and aspirations.

    So you’re not just planning for a good life. You’re designing a spectacular one.

    A Life Audit will help you to live more mindfully each day and empower you to find more wow in your now. So that when you’re 90, you’re not just full of inspiring stories, you’re also short on regrets.

  • This is healing therapy through storytelling, where you’re both the narrator and the hero of your life.

    Together we will unpack your experiences, reframe them, and understand them in a way that empowers you.

    It's like being both the director and the lead actor in the movie of your life.

  • Together we will drill down and draft up your eulogy - while you can still read it. Creepy? Maybe a tad. Useful? Absolutely.

    In this “Eulogy Writing: It's Not Just for Dead People” Coaching Program we start with the end in mind.

    What do you want people to say at your eulogy?

    How do you want to be remembered?

    Working backward from that point gives you a clear roadmap for your choices and actions.

    In a nutshell,  death awareness isn't about being fixated on the final scene of your life. It's about making sure that the whole movie of your life is worth watching

    Together, we'll strategize a life that leaves no room for regrets.

    This coaching program is all about embracing Proactive Living - and learning to make choices that align with your deepest values and aspirations.

  • In the Legacy Lab I am going to show you how to use the fact that you’re not immortal as a push-yourself-off-the-couch-and-into-the-world eject button.

    We will dive into what makes you tick (and tock).

    We'll explore your greatest passions, purpose, strengths and wisdom. 

    Then we’ll use what we discover to supercharge every decision, every relationship, every wild, crazy dream and goal you’ve ever had.

    Next we will help you create a step by step plan to develop one specific Legacy Project - something that is fulfilling, compelling and enduring - and something that will be more than a mere dream. It will become a reality.

    With the support of the Legacy Lab you will create an impact on our world - both while you’re here - and after you’re gone.

    That’s the Memento Mori Effect!

Carpe Diem 
... but for real this time.

When you live like you’re dying (Spoiler: We all are!) every day becomes bolder and more fulfilling.