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Get the first scoop on my “mortality awareness” book’s release! Enjoy exclusive bonuses that will show you how to use mortality as a motivator - to turn your “I can’t” into “Watch me!”

Why do I have this fascination with the end, you might wonder?

Because as I became older, I noticed how recognizing the finiteness of my days did something extraordinary.

It sharpened my focus on what truly matters.

And stripped away the superficial.

Below are 6 ways this unlikely friendship with your impermanence enriches your life.

1. Motivator

Procrastination loses its grip when you realize that time is a non-renewable resource. That trip you wanted to take, the book you’ve dreamed of writing, the reconciliation you’ve put off—awareness of death whispers, “Now is the time,” urging you into action with a gentle nudge.

2. Clarifier

Suddenly, the noise of the world falls away. Your priorities become clearer. You know those grudges you've been nursing like they're going to hatch into golden eggs?  Or that envy that's been eating you up? Death comes along, puts an arm around you, and gently reminds you to stop wasting precious time on this small stuff.

3. Deepener

Relationships gain depth and texture under the shadow of mortality. You listen more intently, hug more tightly, and speak more honestly, knowing that each interaction could be more precious than you ever imagined.

4. Beautifier

Ordinary moments become extraordinary. Oh, the sweetness of a shared meal, a walk in the park, the laughter of a friend, the ridiculousness of dogs wearing sweaters—everything takes on a Technicolor vibrancy when you acknowledge that these moments are fleeting. 

5. Self Revealer

You’re reminded to stop being who you think you should be and start being who you really are. Suddenly, the roles you play and the masks you wear feel like a waste of time. You act, speak, and love from your truest core self. You say yes to the unsaid. You kiss the person who makes your heart do the cha-cha. You become you-ier.

6. Liberator

The fear of failure begins to lose its sting. When you understand that your time is limited, the risk of not trying at all becomes far scarier than the possibility of failure. You become bolder, more willing to leap, because you realize that playing it safe is perhaps the greatest risk of all.

My mission is not just to write a book on death awareness. Kaput.

My goal is to spearhead a movement… where death isn't a taboo subject, but a turbo boost for better living .

And so I am absolutely excited for my book’s publication date!

Inside my book, I’ll be sharing lots of fascinating mortality awareness research studies - plus inspiring philosophies and strategies for what I call “Proactive Living.”

My book will ensure that at the end of your life you won’t be burdened by lots of should've, would've, could've” regrets - thereby making you incredibly grateful for my “death awareness” life hacks.

While the book's getting polished, this website will be your sneak peek into my general philosophies.

Note: I won’t be sharing everything here.

I’m reserving many of my most unique concepts for my book only.

So, think of this website as the “warm-up” for my book’s ultimate Mortality Awareness Life Hacks.

And remember…

We’re here, then we’re not.

So, let’s make the “here” part ridiculously awesome.